Saturday, 13 September 2014

Music for Life

Turn it Up!!

Turn up the volume on your favourite song! There is something exhilarating about listening to music whilst driving. It can set the tone, pace and definitely change or improve one's mood. Music has the ability to transcend space and time, so use it its many advantages to your benefit.

So pop in that CD mix or tune in to your station of choice while you are on the road and just enjoy the vibe.

Here is a little taste of the many mixes that are possible...

Source: YouTube, 2014. Available at

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Summer Fun

Did someone say road trip ?

Undoubtedly, there's lots to do this summer. Although, in Trinidad and Tobago we just have the two lovely seasons rainy and dry. a lover of spontaneity, this writer enjoys just getting into my vehicle, setting out on a road trip with no obligations, apart from having fun, gleefully enjoying the sites and scenes.

Try a cross country drive, or popular tourist attraction- it never gets dull especially with a cool co-pilot. So get your map and set out for an awesome experience.

Cool places to visit in Trinidad and Tobago...

Hanuman Murti

Location: Carapichaima, Chaguanas, Trinidad.
This 85 ft mufti is the largest of its kind outside of India.

Pointe-a-Pierre Wild Fowl Trust

Location: Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad
This natural reserve is a wonderful site to visit to enjoy the beautiful flora and fauna of this country. 

Pirate's Bay 

Location: Charlotteville, Tobago
Simply breathtaking, Pirate's Bay has an interesting history and invites one to be enveloped by its warm waters.

Great Courland Bay Monument

Location: Plymouth, Tobago
This monument is a great place to visit. It is named after the Duke of Courland and this monument is erected on the islands oldest town and fort.

Maracas Beach

Location: Maracas, Trinidad.
The Maracas Beach is quite popular and its updated facilities make this place a wonderful spot for relaxation, bake and shark, and warm sea bath.

Please share other interesting places that one can go on a road trip with friends and family in 'comments' below.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Six Things To Avoid Doing After An Accident

Six Post-Accident Dont's

Driving a vehicle is a major responsibility. Despite ones' best efforts and commandeering skills, accidents do occur. In Trinidad and Tobago there seems to be a marked increase in road fatalities and non fatal accidents. Accidents are commonplace after a rain shower, as one can usually see rear-endings, sideswiping and multiple car smash-ups. Whatever the cause, persons should accept responsibility after an accident occurs. Some of us goodly folk don't even know what to do after a collision.

Here are some suggestions of things that should NOT be done post accident:
  1. Don't leave the scene of an accident, whether or not the other party involved appears unhurt. Exercise due diligence and stick around to assist. 
  2. Don't neglect to call the police. Getting the police involved is a safe way of protecting oneself against dubious persons that may have been a party in an accident. An accident report may also assist in insurance claims and reveal culpability.
  3. Don't lose your cool. In accidents emotions may run high, after the initial shock wears off. Even if the other driver is at fault, one needs to remain calm enough to assess the situation.
  4. Tell people the accident was you fault (i.e., legally admit liability), or accuse anyone else involved, just be polite, make sure everyone is safe and protect yourself.
  5. Don't forget to properly document the accident. Get the other driver's name, address, insurance information, in addition to the make, model and colour of the vehicle involved. Note the name of the street, or vicinity and time that the accident occurred. Take pictures as well, use you phone or camera; even a video recording of the accident can be done which may assist with insurance claims.
  6. Don't neglect the aftermath of the accident. One should ensure that follow up is done medically and legally. Stay on top of insurance company claims and keep in contact with them and the repair shop. Remember you have the right to send your car for repair to the repair shop of your choice.
  7. Don't forget to check the terms of the wrecking service if one is needed to move the vehicle. Neglecting to do this may result in additional costs incurred, as unscrupulous wreckers may rack-up costs when charging per hour.
For more interesting articles click on the link below.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Mercedes Benz S550 The First in Self Driving Technology

The 2014 Mercedes-Benz S500

This 2014 S-Class has breathtaking technology. In light of the many road accidents that have taken place in Trinidad and Tobago this vehicle seems to have all. 

Mercedes-Benz, in this writers view, has again set a benchmark for other luxury car manufacturers to follow. The sensors indicate impending danger for the driver and pedestrians and the vehicle responds with evasive tactics. What more can one want in a vehicle??

Spend a moment taking a look at the video...see technology at its finest.

Find out about owning a Mercedes-Benz at Dream Motors Ltd...Your first Choice in Roll On/Roll Off Vehicles.

Source: 2014 Mercedes-Benz S500 Video, Youtube; CNET: Mercedes-Benz S500 Review.